ZTotal has the capability to build any type of website you need. We offer a one page site for as little as $60 per year or the newest technology available. Tell us what you want and we'll make it happen.
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Product Creation
ZTotal Guide
Placing products or items on your site.
This shows how to stock your estore; however, if you are not using this site for business, you can just as easily place other text and/or pictures (such as showing off your chidrens awards or posting recipes) on the site in the same way.
First go to the admin page. If you are not using a demo site, this can be accessed from the email you were sent when you signed up. To get there click (all clicks are left clicks unless stated differently) on the link in your email which looks something like this: http://www.ztotal.com/cgi-bin/strcvr/bin/cadmin.cgi/DEM1a2b3c4d5e6f
This should open a page in your web browser that looks like this:
Click "Products" at the top of the page, as circled in red in the above picture. This will bring up another page which looks like this:
Now click the "Create Products" link on the left, as shown circled in red in the above picture. This will bring up the following page:
This is the "Create Product" page. The above picture shows four circles. The red circle shows the box to fill in with the "Product ID/SKU." This can be any group of numbers, letters and certain symbols to help identify your item. This box is required so for now put in any numbers and/or letters.
Next is the "Name" which is circled in green. Easy enough -- pick a name and put it in this box. I'm naming mine "Freezing Cold Backpack."
Third is the "Category" which is circled in purple. This is a pull down menu and right now your only choice is probably "Backpacks," but you can add more later. Click the arrow beside the box and then click "Backpacks."
Fourth is "Description" which is circled in blue. This is not a required field but you probably would want it filled in. One of the great things about this is that you can cut and paste your text into this box, but for now go ahead and fill it in with whatever wording you would like.
Now scroll down just a little and you will see this part of the page:
There is only one box to fill in here and it's circled in yellow. Fill in the "Actual Price" box with any amount you would like.
Lastly, click the link to "Create Product" which is shown circled in red.
That's it! Four links to click, four boxes to fill in and one box to select from a pull down menu, and you have created a product that is ready to sell. If you don't believe it, hit the "View Web Page" at the top of the page (as below, circled in red) and see for yourself.
Realize this opens in a new window so your return button will have no effect on this page. Either close this window or click on your other browser window to bring the admin page back up.
Click here to go to Part 2 and we'll add a picture.
ZTotal is proud to now be able to offer Website Marketing management services. Contact Us to make sure your site is headed in the right direction.
At ZTotal, we guarantee you will be satisfied with our standard web site or you don't pay!
Our warranty: No payment is due until 30 days after your site is online. During this time, we invite you to use your site and be sure it's what you want. If you decide it's not suitable, you keep your money. While your site is up and running, we will be available to give you the best service we are able to supply. This offer applies to our standard, template driven sites.
Your satisfaction is our number one priority.
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