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Listing inclusions and prices:

List with for no charge. If you act quickly we will list your business name, address and phone number at NO CHARGE.
Add an online special page.
Add your business photo or logo, a descriptive paragraph and a link to another web site.
Own a functional internet store with secure order form.
Fast, Easy, Affordable, & Automatic. See how quickly you can have your own site with outstanding customer service, world wide sales potential, easy updatability, and a premium listing on You won’t find better sites or better prices with better service.
$800 startup, then $600 or less/year
Try our online demo at and see how easy it really is.
Prices listed are valid through October, 2005.

Prices listed apply to standard sites and service.

Go to our services offered page to subscribe.

Information deemed accurate, but subject to errors.
Please verify all facts with an agent.

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