ZTotal has the capability to build any type of website you need. We offer a one page site for as little as $60 per year or the newest technology available. Tell us what you want and we'll make it happen.
See some of our Custom Web Sites!
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Web Site Guide
If you have any questions about zTotal or our web sites, please contact us at director@ztotal.com, call 870-403-7718, or fax 870-246-2727.
This guide is set up for use in conjunction with a zTotal 'Total' demo site, but by substituting page and item names it will help anyone to run their own site. If you haven't signed up for a demo site, please go to www.ztotal.com/demosc.html and sign up now. Our privacy policy and the backing of the Better Business Bureau protects anyone dealing with our sites. You will find that our sites are dynamic and constantly being upgraded, but access and ease of use remain the same.
If you want a more in depth look, our Original ZTotal Guide is available.
Product Creation
Placing products or items on your site. This shows how to “stock” your estore; however, if you are not using this site for business, you can just as easily place other text and/or pictures (such as showing off your chidren’s awards or posting recipes...
Product Pictures
Placing Pictures in the Products Section To place pictures on your page in the creation process, simply follow these examples while creating the page. In order to place pictures on the page you must have pictures stored in your computer. If you don't...
Web Page Creation
Building a web page is actually one of the easiest things to do with Total web sites. Start back on the admin page, but this time click on "Website," as below in red. The "Website" page will come up. Click on "Create" as below circled in red. The "Create...
Page Category Creation
Making a category to group related pages. This is a non-essential element to learn for your site, but when creating a web page you must pick a web page category. You already have one category on your site -- General -- and you can use this for all of...
ZTotal is proud to now be able to offer Website Marketing management services. Contact Us to make sure your site is headed in the right direction.
At ZTotal, we guarantee you will be satisfied with our standard web site or you don't pay!
Our warranty: No payment is due until 30 days after your site is online. During this time, we invite you to use your site and be sure it's what you want. If you decide it's not suitable, you keep your money. While your site is up and running, we will be available to give you the best service we are able to supply. This offer applies to our standard, template driven sites.
Your satisfaction is our number one priority.
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